Custom Painting
Have your photo memorialized in your very own custom painting! Have a wedding photo that is your favorite? Or a portrait idea for you or a loved one? Let me create a piece that will add vibrancy and uniqueness to your home. I also paint intuitively and combine what we have discussed to create a one of a kind piece that can be treasured by you and your loved ones!
My process includes:
1. I receive your photo (High Quality images preferred but I will accept medium quality)
2. We discuss via email and/or phone what your idea is. (whether that would be colors, imagery, background, etc.)
3. I create a mockup of your image and you get 2 free changes.
4. I start on your piece!
5. I will check in weekly to show progress (3-6 week turn around depending on detail)
6. Once final image is done and payment is made, I will ship your beautiful painting!
25% down payment required*
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